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Society of Health and Physical Educators of Vermont

Welcome to SHAPE Vermont!


The Society of Health and Physical Educators of Vermont represents over 300 professional and pre-professional members in the fields of health and physical education. Our goal is to assist members throughout the year by providing advocacy for our profession as well as professional training opportunities and presenting material of importance to them. Each year an annual conference provides our membership the knowledge about exceptional programs, grants, new state guidelines and services for our members. SHAPE VT has a VOLUNTEER member-based Board who spend countless hours each year serving the society membership. Our services include the following;


Communicating with the media to educate various target groups about physical education and health programs in the public schools.

        • Developing a schedule for a two-day annual fall conference.

        • Planning various workshops offered throughout the year.

        • Developing state-level leadership for our profession.

        • E-Blast alerts to communicate news and advocacy with our membership.

        • Disseminating the latest information from the Vermont Agency of Education and SHAPE America

        • Recognizing fellow colleagues through awards recognition at our Annual Awards Banquet.

        • Obtaining and distributing grant and scholarships to improve school programs and one's practice. 




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