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Society of Health and Physical Educators of Vermont

SHAPE Vermont Partnerships

2024 SHAPE America National Convention & Expo Join Us in #SHAPECleveland March 12-16

Learn more about the 2024 SHAPE America Convention here

SHAPE America Summer Institute Hero Splash Image

Learn more about the SHAPE America 2024 Summer Institute here


The National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy


The NAHPL is a diverse, inclusive, member-driven organization advancing the dimensions of health and physical literacy through professional development, advocacy, mentoring, and applied research in the areas of health, physical education, dance, and sport.


The Academy seeks to grow and advance professional leaders who will interact and network on regional, national and global levels to expand health and physical literacy opportunities for all children and adults across the life span.  The Academy adds relevance and viability to the professional landscape within our health and kinesiology disciplines. The Academy is completely member-driven and transparent.  As a member, you will have a powerful voice and be part of a mission-centered organization that encourages and facilitates active participation by all members, advocating for health and physical literacy. Learn more about NAHPL's program, resources, and membership options here.



Crosswalk for SHAPE America National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies


Physical educators are on the front lines of the social and emotional learning (SEL) movement. Effective physical education programs provide students with the opportunity to learn and practice the social and emotional skills and behaviors that help them succeed in life. The Crosswalk for SHAPE America National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and CASEL Social and Emotional Learning Core Competencies (PE/SEL Crosswalk) document aligns CASEL’s SEL competencies and related skills to SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.

This document serves as a resource for those aligning SEL competencies into the existing SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education™ and allows physical education teachers to incorporate SEL competencies into their standards-based lesson plans. The crosswalk identifies standards that are applicable to teaching and/or reinforcing one or more of SEL competencies. Download your free copy here.

CASEL SEL Core Competencies Poster


I'm already a SHAPE Vermont member... Why Join SHAPE America?

Join SHAPE America and you'll become part of a network of thousands of professionals —from preK-12 educators who teach our country's youth about the benefits of living a healthy, physically active lifestyle, to university professors who conduct much-needed research and teach our industry's future professionals. Special interests groups  give members with similar professional specialties the opportunity to stay current on key areas. SHAPE America membership also connects you with other Eastern District professionals.

SHAPE America's training, tools and resources will help you succeed in your current job…and advance in your career. Consider joining today!

Killington conference site

SHAPE Vermont Conference

March, 2025

Killington Grand Hotel

Please support our SHAPE VT  Sponsors